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Cantor Cabo-verdiano Bana Morre/ Cape Verdean Singer Bana Dies

bana01 14 12 2012O cantor Cabo-verdiano mais conhecido como Bana, faleceu em Lisboa na noite de sexta-feira, 12 de Julho. O cantor sofria de doença prolongada.

Adriano Golçalves,  de 81 anos, conhecido como o “Rei da Morna”  era sem dúvida um dos músicos Cabo-verdianos mais bem conceituados tanto em Cabo Verde como internacionalmente.

Na sequência do falecimento do artista, o Governo de Cabo Verde decretou 2 dias de luto nacional, a partir das 00:00 de segunda-feira 15 de Julho. O funeral terá lugar nesse dia em Lisboa, sendo que S.E. o Presidente Jorge Carlos Fonseca representará o Estado de Cabo Verde nas cerimónias fúnebres, acompanhando pela Ministra das Comunidades Fernanda Fernandes e o Ministro da Cultura, Mário Lúcio Sousa.


The Cape Verdean singer best known as Bana, died in Lisbon on the evening of Friday, July 12. The singer was suffering from prolonged illness.

Adriano Golçalves, 81, known as the "King of Morna" was undoubtedly one of the most well respected Cape Verde musicians, both in Cape Verde and internationally.

Following the death of the artist, the Government of Cape Verde declared two days of national mourning, from 00:00 of Monday, July 15.

The funeral will take place on that day in Lisbon, and H.E. President Jorge Carlos Fonseca will represent the State of Cape Verde in the funeral, accompanied by the Minister for Communities Fernanda Fernandes and Minister for Culture Mário Lúcio Sousa.

 (photo courtesy sapo.cv)


Cabo Verde na Corason Program


                      NOTA INFORMATIVA


Pediu-nos o Ministério das Comunidades que divulgássemos esta informação sobre o programa Cabo Verde na Corason 2013, que tem por objectivo proporcionar a jovens descendentes de emigrantes a oportunidade de participarem num campo de férias em Cabo Verde. 

Para o Regulamento, o Formulário de candidatura do projecto e qualquer complemento informativo, podem contactar o Ministério das Comunidades na Praia (www.mdc.gov.cv), na pessoa da Sra Isa Morais Rodrigues, Directora de Gabinete:

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Junto os contactos telefónicos do MdC : (238) 261 60 97/261 57 78 / 261 90 08,  

Telemóveis 993 37 87 / 918 75 90.

Para mais infomação e detalhes consultar o link abaixo:





The Cape Verde Ministry for Communities requests the dissemination of information on the Cabo Verde na Corason 2013 Program, targeted at Capeverdean Youth descendants of Capeverdean Immigrants living in the Diaspora, which main goal is to offer them the opportunity of attending Summer Camps in Cape Verde.

The Regulation and Application forms, as well as more details, can be found by following the link below:


For additional questions you may contact Ms. Isa Morais, Chief of Staff, Ministry for Communities, at:

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By telephone: (238) 261 60 97/261 57 78 / 261 90 08 

By cellphone: 993 37 87 / 918 75 90


On the Occasion of the Republic of Cape Verde's National Day

Message from US Secretary of State John Kerry 


Press Statement
Washington, DC
July 4, 2013


On behalf of all Americans, I send my best wishes to Cape Verdeans as they celebrate 38 years of independence on July 5.

As a New Englander, I am keenly aware of the historic contributions of Cape Verdeans in America, and of the many binding ties that our people share.

As someone who represented Massachusetts for 30 years, I know that nothing links our countries more closely than the presence of half a million Americans of Cape Verdean descent, concentrated in southeastern New England where they began to settle in the 1700s.

With a common identity as nations of immigrants and entrepreneurs, we cherish freedom, democracy, and good governance. By providing renewable technologies and creating access to markets, we look forward to helping Cape Verde emerge as a global leader in energy independence and as an ideal place to grow and invest.

The United States is a proud partner of Cape Verde, which has become one of Africa’s greatest political and economic success stories.

Our second Millennium Challenge Corporation compact, worth over $66 million, is evidence of our abiding commitment to that relationship. We are also pleased with our expanding collaboration on a number of regional and maritime security issues.

The United States hopes to play an even stronger role as a friend and ally in achieving our common goals and enjoying greater benefits of peace and prosperity in the coming year.

 (From the US Department of State information portal) 

Mensagem de 5 de Julho da Embaixadora Fatima Veiga

FELIZ 5 DE JULHO a todos os Caboverdianos espalhados pelo mundo, em especial nos EUA, Canadá e no México.
Festejemos o nosso orgulho de pertencer a uma Nação vencedora que, apesar dos grandes desafios ainda prevalecentes, está a construir o Futuro, passo a passo, ou como dizia o poeta, "Ilha a Ilha, Dor a Dor, Amor a Amor"
Viva Cabo Verde!
Proud to be Capeverdean!
HAPPY 5TH OF JULY to all Capeverdeans accross the world, in particular, to those in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Let's celebrate our pride of belonging to a winning Nation, which despite the major challenges still prevalent, is building its future, step by step, or as per the poet's words, "Island to Island, Struggle to Struggle, Love to Love".
Long Live Cabo Verde!
Proud to be Capeverdean!

Fourth of July Message from Minister Jorge Borges to Secretary Kerry

Minister Jorge Borges, Cape Verde’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, sent a message to US Secretary of State John Kerry, to congratulate all Americans for celebrating one more National Day this July 4th.

In his letter, Minister Borges noted that the occasion was an opportunity to convey “… sincere congratulations and best wishes of further successful development and prosperity…” to the American nation.

The minister further recalled the recent White House visit of Cape Verde’s Prime Minister José Neves , which “stood as an important policy dialogue moment to address and to agree on issues to enhance the already excellent level of bilateral relations between the two governments”.   

The Capeverdeans will celebrate their Independence Day one day after the Americans, on July 5th.

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