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Category: NEWS DESK
Published on Sunday, 22 March 2020 16:25
Hits: 2467
The US Embassy in Praia is working on developing a manifest of prioritized Americans. The airline or a travel agency will have to sell tickets for the flight. We don’t have an exact price yet but think it will be between $1600-2000. If there is enough demand, we may be able to fill more than one plane.
Here is the consular contact info. This is on our embassy Facebook page too.
• Receiving the latest updates:
You can stay up-to-date with the latest alerts by enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at step.state.gov, and monitoring the U.S. Embassy website: https://cv.usembassy.gov/. We will post alerts to the website as soon as they become available.
• Evacuations for U.S. Citizens:
We are aware the governments of several countries have suspended air travel, including Cabo Verde. We are considering all options to assist U.S. citizens in Cabo Verde.
• Contacting Embassy Praia for Consular Assistance:
U.S. citizens in need of emergency assistance or services should contact the U.S. Embassy by emailingPraiaConsular@state.gov."