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Category: NEWS DESK
Published on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 19:22
Hits: 3033
The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde has declared the observance of 2 (two) days of National mourning following the sinking of Navio Vicente which took place on Thrusday January 8, 2015 in the Island of Fogo. This period of mourning is effective January 14, 2015 and during this time the National flag will be flown at half- mast on all public buildings in Cabo Verde and Diplomatic Missions around the world.
O Governo the Cabo Verde declara luto oficial nacional por 2 (dois) dias em decorrência do naufrágio do Navio Vicente ao largo da IIha do Fogo em vigor a partir do dia 14 de Janeiro de 2015. Durante este periodo a Bandeira Nacional sera colocada a meia haste em todos os edifícios publicos no pais, bem como nas Representações Diplomáticas e Consulares de Cabo Verde.